⏱ 30 Second Startups: WHICH startup idea should you pursue?

💡 We have A LOT of ideas. Here's how you pick the one to chase.

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⏱ 30 Second Startups!

If you have multiple ideas, here’s how to figure out which to choose.

We are hearing from a lot of people that have more than one idea. They just aren’t sure which idea to pursue — they’ve thought about these ideas for a long time and are stuck in the analysis phase.

Here is the answer…

How to Choose Which Startup Idea to Pursue:

✔ Choose the idea where you are closest to the target customers.

What do I mean?

✔ Think of where you know the target customer best. Can you easily reach them? Do you understand their needs? Are they willing to talk with you?


✔ In the early stages you’re going to be talking with these people, a lot. And, if you can’t easily reach them, it’s going to be difficult to determine what solution they might pay for.  
Also, if you can’t reach these people now, then you’ll have a hard time reaching them later once you launch.


✔ You’ll be talking with these people more than you think you will. With our Validator AI project, we’ve talked with early users, a lot. You’ll be going back to these early customers often, learning from them and holding discussions about their needs.

You need to learn from these people:

What the real problem is. It might not be the one you’re thinking.
What they are doing now to solve the problem.
Are they open to a new solution?
What might that solution look like?
Would they be willing to pay you for this solution?

👉 So, chase the idea that involves the target audience you know and understand the most.

⭐ Deep dive into ideas and how to move them forward at ValidatorAI.com
Our AI covers things to consider, target market ideas, revenue models, how to modify your idea to fit the market and much more. It’s FREE!

A Great Quote

Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

🤩 You can generate startup ideas, analyze them with a deeper dive and move forward ALL FOR FREE right here:

That’s it for today. I hope this motivates you to get moving.

⏩ Don’t forget to forward this email to your friend who likes startups too.

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🏃‍♀️ Head to Discord to get feedback on your business idea, from real people.

Take care!

Aron Meystedt

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Follow along on social media for a daily dose of startup advice. Social media links are below. 👇 👇 👇



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