😱 Reasons Why You Should NOT Create a Startup.

Let's get this all out in the open.

Hello! (read time, 2 mins)

Aron here, with ValidatorAI.com 

Let’s get it out in the open. These are the reasons why you don’t want to start something.

👀 In today's edition:
  • Reasons why you aren’t starting.

  • The best resource to find the top AI tools.

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This is why you aren’t starting.

📱 It’s ok to talk about it. Let’s blast through the reasons why you don’t want to take the leap to start:

  • Impostor syndrome. 
    You feel like you aren’t qualified to do this.

  • Fear of failure. 
    It would be really embarrassing to start something and then shut it down.

  • Lack of knowledge.  
    You feel like you don’t have the skills required to do this.

  • Lack of research.  
    You aren’t even sure if there is an opportunity there.

  • Lack of financial support. 
    You keep hearing it takes money to make money, right?

  • Lack of time. 
    You have a day job. You have other obligations.

It’s ok.

Whatever your reason above, you aren’t alone. It’s ok to feel inadequate. It’s scary to create something out of nothing. It’s almost impossible, really. But there are ways to tackle this.

Don’t give up before you start.

🎒 Let’s unpack all the reasons why we don’t start.

🙅‍♂️ Impostor Syndrome

➡️ Did you know that the smartest people on the planet struggle with this?

Stanford Medicine created a great video about this, it’s only 2 minutes long. Apparently everyone struggles with impostor syndrome: doctors, women, minorities and super high achievers. 

It’s ok. You are worthy enough to pursue your passions. Video below: 👇️ 

📽️ https://youtu.be/7D-0nuFFEh4 

😢 Fear of Failure

➡️ According to This Article in Forbes, nearly half of entrepreneurs fear failure. It’s common. The best piece of advice to combat this is to separate your personal life from your business. Also, give yourself some breathing room to experiment and don’t rush the process.

“Failure is an event. Not a person.” - Zig Ziglar

🧠 Lack of Knowledge

➡️ The reason we exist here at Validator AI is to help people get past the learning curve that is required to start something. Many people feel they don’t have the skills or knowledge to give a side business a try.

📚️ A few resources:

🚀 Bubble.io (affiliate link) is the place you can go to create a website with absolutely NO tech skills. If you are to the point of wanting to put something out there, start here.

🚀 Forms.Google.com if you just want to put up a simple survey to get user feedback, this is the place. You can make a survey and embed it anywhere you want, or send it in an email, or post it on a forum.

🚀 ValidatorAI.com simply ask our AI the steps people take to launch a side business. Start by telling our AI your business idea, and then simply ask, “What steps should I take to get this off the ground”?

🏫 Lack of Research

➡️ You aren’t even sure if there is demand for your idea. You can solve this one today, and spend $0.

Head to a discussion group on Reddit.com. Find a community that matches your target audience and start asking questions.

Start by posting something like this:

Hello, I am working on an idea. I am curious what your biggest frustration is in (name of the market) and how you tackle it right now. Your feedback will really help me narrow my focus.

➡️ You can also go to Google’s Keyword Planner tool here:
Google Keyword Planner 
Here you can find out how many times, each month, people search for a certain topic. We’ve written about this in the past HERE.

Simply: if you find out there are large search volumes for key words and phrases around your idea, this shows intent — people are actively looking for a solution.

❗️ Now you just have to determine if YOUR solution is the best one.

💹 Lack of Financial Support

➡️ All of this early legwork can be done with $0 spent.

✔️ Start talking to potential customers on social media.

✔️ Start writing down ideas of how to help your employer. How can they make more money? How can they spend less? How can they better serve their customers?

✔️ Put up a quick landing page with a Google Form and start getting feedback.

There are ways to get moving and not spend money. In fact, I fully support your decision to move forward in the cheapest way possible!

⏲️ Lack of Time

➡️ Don’t quit your day job. That’s advice piece #1 😄 

Start talking with potential customers right now in your spare time.
Very few people quit their job, start something and absolutely crush it.

⚡️ Maybe you’re an INTRAPRENEUR. 

Perhaps you should start your entrepreneurial journey by looking for ways to improve your employer’s company.

Start writing down problems you find:
ways the company can save money… ways the company can make more money… gaps in how they are serving their customer… problems with customer support… etc.

🙋 For many reasons, most people never get to Day 1.

Let’s make today Day 1. Start writing down opportunities and ideas. Start talking with potential customers and see what you learn. Start exploring ways to improve where you work.

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That’s it for today. I hope by discussing our entrepreneurial fears out in the open, we realize they aren’t that scary. Just get moving and see where it leads you!

⏩ Don’t forget to forward this email to your friend that likes startups too.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Follow along on social media for a daily dose of startup advice.

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